12 October 2006

More lies: Bush and so-called Faith-Based Initiatives

    There are... there are... there are extreme elements that use religion to achieve objectives.
      President George W. Bush
    Baby, you ain't kidding.
      Bill (David Carradine) in Kill Bill: Volume 2

Keith Olbermann's open war on Bush is his report Tempting Faith, the new book from David Kuo, second-in-command of the Office of Faith-Based Intiatives. It is a detailed account of how the office is merely a tool to sucker evangelical Christians out of their votes.

I'm scooping Rob S. on this one. Here's the video:


Chris A. said...

Of course, I love this because it exposes yet another stripe of hypocrisy, and will hopefully get the faith-based community to re-evaluate what the hell they've been doing with their votes for the past several years...

... but it's also a little reassuring that underneath it all, even Bush, Rove & Co. think that Pat Robertson and his ilk are crazy. Just goes to show that if you look long enough, you can find common ground with anybody.

Sharon GR said...

Kuo is on Fresh Air today.